SolanaHub Terms and Conditions

Welcome, and thank you for choosing to visit (the “Website” or “SolanaHub”).

These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern the use of the Website and the related content, services and/or applications made available through the Website (collectively, the “Services”). By accessing and/or using the Website and/or the Services you (“you” or “User”) confirm and agree that you have read, understood, accept and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use the Website or the Services.

What is SolanaHub?

SolanaHub was developed by a devoted member of the Solana community (the “Developer”) designed to help Solana users interact with the protocol more easily, get a better view of their activities and assets, and serve as your one-stop shop for your interaction with different Solana defi applications and services.

SolanaHub was created and is offered openly and freely, as an open source project. Therefore, if you choose to use the Website and the Services, you should keep in mind that though the Developer endeavored to make SolanaHub a valuable product and give you a great user experience, it is not a commercial, financial or professional service and the use of it is free.

Also, SolanaHub is just an interface. Any actions are always done by you and with your own wallet. So, though it would be sad to see you go, you can stop using SolanaHub anytime without it having any effects on your transactions & assets.

  1. More About the Terms

The Developer reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to revise or modify these Terms at any time, so make sure you keep checking these Terms periodically - it’s your responsibility. Your continued use of the Services, will constitute your acceptance of the revised Terms as published on the Website at the time you have accessed it. Remember, If you do not agree to the Terms, your sole remedy shall be to discontinue your use of the Services.

Also, If you violate the Terms, the Developer reserves the right to block or suspend your access to the Services, immediately and without warning.

At any time, the Developer may change the Services, discontinue them, or any part of them, subject the Services to conditions, limitations or fees. Any such actions may be done without any notice, and shall impose no liability on the Developer whatsoever.

  1. Restrictions

No-one under the age of 18 or the age of legal consent for engaging in the activities offered in connection with the services under the laws of any jurisdiction, whichever is higher (“legally of age”) may use the services under any circumstances and any person not legally of age who uses the services will be in breach of the terms of these terms of service. By acceptance of these terms and/or by using the services you declare that you are of legally of age.

You may not use the Services and may not accept these Terms if you are a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of the country in which you are resident or from which you use the Services.

No one from the following countries may use the services under any circumstances and any person from the following countries who uses the services will be in breach of the terms of these terms of services. By acceptance of these terms and/or by using the services you declare that you are not from any country included in the High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action as published by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) from time to time, or any entity that is owned or controlled by, or affiliated with, the government of any such country.

  1. Your Wallet

Since the Website is simply an interface, to actually use the Services, you will be asked to log in with a compatible Solana blockchain wallet, under your control and ownership, of a type supported by the Services, as may be updated from time to time (“Wallet”). Wallets are made available by unrelated third-party service providers and subjected to such Wallet’s terms and conditions. It is your own responsibility to read and make sure you understand and agree to such terms applicable to your Wallet, and that you use a Wallet you trust. The Developer makes no representation or warranties whatsoever, nor does it provide any recommendation or advice with respect to any Wallet and its use. Your use of your Wallet is at your own risk and responsibility and subjected to laws and regulations applicable to your use of your Wallet.

By connecting your Wallet you unconditionally agree to retrieve and transmit all the public information and data associated with your Wallet, with the Services.

Please make sure you carefully review the command lines created by your Wallet, and that it reflects your desired actions, before you approve and execute any action or transaction via your Wallet.

SolanaHub and the Developer (also referred to as “we” or “us”) don’t, and will not have any access to your Wallet or any type of cryptocurrencies or other assets which you may have in your Wallet, and we will never ask you for any details other than the Wallet’s public address (for integration and operation of the Services under your control).

  1. Website Content

The general design, menus, explanatory text or other functional features on the Website, unless stated otherwise, were developed by the Developer, and may be updated or changed from time to time at its sole discretion.

All quantitative information, including amounts, percentages, costs as well as information regarding protocols, crypto-assets, smart contracts, defi projects and services (such as lending, minting, staking, etc.) - are all read from the blockchain or third party servers, and automatically displayed on the Website.

The content displayed on the Website or suggested through the Services may be incomplete, inaccurate or outdated. The Developer gives no guarantees, warranties or representations, nor shall assume any responsibility with respect to any content displayed on the Website or suggested through the Services, its integrity, accuracy and/or reliability.

  1. SolanaHub Services & Third Party Services


As mentioned, the Website serves as an interface that helps you, through your Wallet, access and use different applications and services operating on the Solana blockchain, provided, supported, operated and/or offered by third parties (either in a decentralized way or not) (“Third Party Services”). Instead of accessing each applicable Third Party Service directly, using SolanaHub and through your connected Wallet, you can access them all, view information and transact with them, all at one place. Therefore, at their core, the Services are based on integrating and aggregating information from external sources, specifically Third Party Services and enabling you to access them easily.

Under such scope, through the Services you may access the following features: (i) Send (supported assets, including NFTs) (ii) Stake (supported assets) to/with applicable Third Party Services, (iii) List NFTs with applicable Third Party Services, (iv) Burn NFTs, or (v) Lend using applicable Third Party Services.

You hereby acknowledge and accept that any and all data displayed through the Website is generated by external sources, including all data presented with respect to the forgoing features. Any amount or quote pertaining to price, return, cost, fee, earnings, schedule, etc., are displayed based on the original source of such information available at the time such information is displayed and viewed by you on the Website. Therefore, any amount or quote that is the result of a calculation or prediction, either based on elapsing time, aggregating or compounding, should be treated and viewed only as an estimate, whereas actual features may vary from such estimates, and should be expected to.

Third Party Services

Essentially, while connected to the Services, all transactions and actions you perform are with Third Party Services, using your Wallet. Any and all such Third Party Services, including information and materials made available by them, which may be imported, referenced or linked, are not controlled by the Developer or SolanaHub, nor associated or affiliated to them. Any such integrations should not be considered as an endorsement, representation or advice with respect to such Third Party Services, and shall not imply any recommendation, approval, affiliation, or sponsorship of any respective property, product, service, or process. You understand that Third Party Services are the responsibility of the third party that created or provided it and acknowledge that the use of such Third Party Services, including through the Website and Services, is solely at your own risk. It is your own responsibility to read and make sure you understand and agree to any terms and conditions applicable to such Third Party Services, and that you use Third Party Services you trust.

The Developer and SolanaHub make no representations and exclude all warranties and liabilities arising out of or pertaining to such Third Party Services, including functionality, accuracy or completeness. The Developer and SolanaHub shall not be liable for the acts or omissions of any other third party site, product or service that you might access, visit or use, nor shall they be liable for any damage that You may suffer as a result of your transactions or any other interaction with any such Third Party Services.

  1. General Terms and Disclaimers

    1. As detailed herein, the Website does not provide any advice, validation or assurance regarding your actions related to your use of the Services. Any use of the Services, and actions taken and approved by you through your Wallet, are under your sole and exclusive responsibility and control. SolanaHub, including the Developer, has no access to, or control over any of your accounts and/or digital assets.

    2. Third Party Service providers are independent unrelated third parties and any interaction and/or transacting with them, is at your own risk and responsibility, after exploring and understanding the applicable terms governing their operation and the specific services they offer.

    3. SolanaHub, including the Developer, makes no representation or warranties whatsoever, nor does it provide any recommendation or advice with respect to the Third Party Services.

    4. The selection, setup, evaluation and execution of any transaction accessible through SolanaHub, are your own responsibility and at your own risk. As further detailed herein, the Services only offer technological services designed to help you with your own activities, and no further instruction, support or advice whatsoever. Though it is intended to be a ‘no-code’ environment, you should not use the Services without having adequate knowledge and understanding regarding blockchain technology, smart contracts in general and the particular functionalities of the Third Party Services.

    5. We will have no liability to you or to any third party for any claims or damages that may arise as a result of any actions or transactions that you engage in while using the Services.

    6. We may discontinue the availability of the Services and/or your use of the Services at any time.

    7. You shall be responsible to ensure that your computer, networks, systems, communication, and all other technical specifications allow you to use the Services, and You shall solely be responsible to any third party fees in relation thereof. You will be solely responsible for all costs, expenses, losses and liabilities incurred, and activities undertaken by You in connection with the Services, including, but not limited to, any applicable transactions costs and fees, related development efforts, network and server equipment, Internet service(s), or any other hardware, software or services used by You in connection with Your use of any Services.

    8. We cannot guarantee that the Services will always function without disruptions, delay or errors, and you acknowledge they are not intended to be fully reliable and available. A number of factors may impact the quality of your communications and use of the Services, and may result in the failure of your communications including, without limitation, your local network, firewall, your internet service provider, the public internet and your power supply. You acknowledge these limitations and agree that we are not responsible for any damages allegedly caused by the failure or delay of the Services (including to any person or property). We take no responsibility for any disruption, interruption or delay caused by any failure of or inadequacy in any of these items or any other items over which we have no control of, and any other responsibility which is not expressly mentioned in these Terms.

  2. No Financial and Legal Advice

The Developer, including the Website and Services it offers and provides, is merely a technology and software developer, and is not your broker, intermediary, agent, or legal advisor and has no fiduciary relationship or obligation to you in connection with any decisions or activities affected by you using the Website or the Services. No communication or information provided to you by the Website and/or Services is intended as or will be considered or construed as, the solicitation of an offer to buy, the investment advice, financial advice, legal advice, or any other sort of advice. All Services, transactions, and Investments will be executed automatically based on the parameters of your consideration. You will be solely responsible for determining whether any Services, transaction or actions are suitable and match your interests according to your judgment, objectives, circumstances, and risk tolerance. You will be solely responsible for any losses or liabilities therefrom.

  1. User Restrictions & Responsibilities

You shall not use the Services in any manner except as expressly permitted in these Terms. Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, you may not:

  1. infringe any proprietary rights, including but not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, or trade secrets of SolanaHub.

  2. use the Services to transmit any data or send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware, or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware

  3. use any robot, spider, other automated device, or manual process to monitor or copy the Services or any portion thereof other than copying or exporting as permitted by the Terms.

  4. make any back-up or archival copies of the Website or any part thereof, including disassembling or de-compilation of the Website.

  5. use the Services in (A) any unlawful manner or (B) for fraudulent or malicious activities, or (C) in any manner inconsistent with these Terms, or (D) violate applicable laws in any manner.

‍You warrant that you are aware of applicable laws and regulations governing your use of the Services. You shall be solely responsible for ensuring compliance with the various applicable laws, and you shall be solely liable for any liability that may arise due to a breach of your obligations in this regard.

Users are exclusively responsible for determining if, where and to whom their cryptographic assets may be sold, transferred, listed or otherwise distributed. You warrant and guarantee to be familiar with and to abide by the laws and regulations applicable to them, including economic sanctions’ programs that limit or prohibit offering certain services or products to certain individuals and entities. You further warrant to use Services in a way that is compliant with such laws, regulations and sanctions programs

You agree to familiarize yourself with the Services and their intended usage. You agree to follow all the requisite steps involved in using the Service as intended.

Also, You should make sure you have sufficient funds in your Wallet to cover network fees, as may be applicable.

We will not be liable for any wrongful use of the Services, nor due to User errors such as wrong addresses, amounts, approvals, etc., and/or failed transactions, for any reason whatsoever.

  1. ‍Developer’s Intellectual Property

All rights, title, and interest in and to the Services and the Website, including all intellectual property rights arising out of the Services, are owned by the Developer.

Subject to your agreement and compliance with these Terms, you are hereby granted with a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, revocable, limited scope license to access the Website and use the Services (the “Licensed Items”). You hereby acknowledge that your license to use the Licensed Items (or any part thereof) is limited by these Terms, and, if you violate or if, at any point, you do not agree to any of these Terms, your license to use the Licensed Items shall immediately terminate, and you shall immediately refrain from using the Licensed Items. If the Licensed Items or any part thereof is determined to be illegal under the laws of the country in which you are situated, you shall not be granted any license to use the Licensed Items, and must refrain from using the Licensed Items.

You can use the Licensed Items only in connection with your own operations and activities, subject to the terms further set forth herein. You may not transfer, sub-licence or in any other way provide, permit or utilize any of the licensed items for use by a third party, in any way whatsoever otherwise.

Except as stated in these Terms, nothing in these Terms should be construed as conferring any right in or license to any third party’s intellectual rights.

  1. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

You agree that your use of the Services is at your sole risk. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. The Developer does not warrant that the functions contained in the Services will meet your requirements. You hereby accept full responsibility for any consequences that may arise from your use of the Services, and expressly agree and acknowledge that the Developer shall have absolutely no liability in this regard.

To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, the Developer expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, arising out of the Services, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, accuracy, title, and non-infringement, compatibility, applicability, usability, appropriateness, and any warranty that may arise out of course of performance, course of dealing, or usage of trade.


Last updated