Direct Staking

Use different LSTs, but get extra rewards from Solanahub by using it as the validator.

The Vault Direct Stake (vault points + LL airdrop)

The Vault is a new stake pool on Solana that aims to grow the total validator set on Solana and support community-anchored validator efforts.

Double Rewards 💰

By direct staking from the Vault to Solanahub, you unlock a new stream of rewards! On top of the staking yield, you'll continue to earn Vault Points (vPTS). In addition to all this, Solanahub captures vSOL direct stakers to our validator in our Loyalty League where we distribute weekly hubSOL airdrops. You can achieve this in a few simple steps, as detailed below

LST staking yield + Vault Points + Solanahub weekly airdrops

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Enter the amount to be staked

  2. Select "Liquid Staking"

  3. Pick "The Vault" and click "Stake"

There is also a very easy way to direct stake vSOL after you've already staked. You'll see all of your vSOL balance under the "Liquid Staking" tab.

  1. Click the three dots next to your vSOL

  2. Click "Set Direct Stake Validator"

  3. Click "Solanahub" in the popup

  4. Click "Set Direct Stake Validator" button

You can also do it from The Vault's site via the following steps

  1. Go to Vault Staking page

  2. Enter the amount to be staked and click "Stake"

  3. Once staked, head over to Vault Direct Stake page

  4. Click "Select Validator"

  5. Choose "Solanahub"

  6. Click "Direct Stake" and sign the transaction

If done correctly, the Solanahub logo will appear as "Your Validator," as in the image below.

vSOL direct stake snapshots run every ~4 hours, meaning at least 4 hours needs to pass by to be tracked. View your score at any time on the Loyalty League Page.

You can verify that your Direct Stake is being captured by Solanahub by searching for your address on this vSOL Direct Stake Dashboard (bookmark for later).

Solblaze Direct Stake (BLZE rewards + LL airdrop)

Triple Rewards 💰

By direct staking to Solanahub, you unlock a new stream of rewards! Besides the staking yield, you'll receive $BLZE rewards. Solanahub captures bSOL direct stakers to our validator in our Loyalty League where we distribute weekly hubSOL airdrops. As a final step you can vote with your $BLZE for the Solanahub Gauge to further boost your staking APY and get more rewards. You can achieve all this in a few simple steps, as detailed below

LST staking yield + BLZE rewards + Solanahub weekly airdrops

Vote with BLZE = more Solanahub weekly airdrops

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Enter the amount to be staked

  2. Select "Liquid Staking"

  3. Pick Solblaze and click "Stake"

Once you're done, here is how to further boost your APY with $BLZE: BLZE DAO votes

You can verify that your Direct Stake is being captured by Solanahub by searching for your address on this bSOL Direct Stake Dashboard (bookmark for later).

Marinade Direct Stake

Due to an upcoming change in the Marinade Delegation Strategy, mSOL direct staking will be deprecated, more information in our Discord announcement.

MNDE votes will continue to be rewarded! Here is the guide on how to do it: MNDE DAO votes

Last updated